unRepresented by a ppr oc he ↗︎

The first salon dedicated to unRepresented artists who experiment with the image, supported by a community of collectors

3rd edition
4 — 6 April 2025
Le Molière, 40 rue de Richelieu - Paris I

Artists & Patrons 2025

Jordan Beal (FR) supported by La Station Culturelle (FR) & Rubis Mécénat (FR)
Fanny Béguély (FR) supported by Philippe Castillo (FR) & Frédéric Lorin (FR)
Jérémie Bouillon (FR) supported by Françoise Toulouse (FR)
Gaëlle Cueff (FR) supported by J. Bolloch (FR), G. Ferraz (FR) & R. Jammes (FR) 
Anna Rosa Krau (DE) supported by Handsiebdruckerei Editionen (DE)
Julie Laporte (FR) supported by Initial LABO (FR)
François Laxalt (FR) supported by DartBLAY (FR)
Hélène Petite (BE) supported by Etienne Baillet (FR)
Flore Prébay (FR) supported by Initial LABO (FR)
Patrick Rimond (FR) supported by Neo Places (FR)
Léa Rivera Hadjes (FR) supported by Valentin Huerre (FR)
Chloé Sharrock (FR) supported by MYOP (FR)
Tis Zamler-Carhart & Vitaly Zamler (BE/US/PL) supported by Anonymous & Flemish Community (BE)
Elisa Valenzuela (FR) supported by ROSE (FR)
Jean Claude Wouters (BE) supported by Thomas Lemut (FR)

With the participation of 
Mathilde Eudes (FR) invited by proche (FR)

a ppr oc he ↗︎

The salon dedicated to artists who experiment with the image

9th edition

13 — 16 November 2025

Le Molière, 40 rue de Richelieu - Paris I

proche ↗︎

A community of committed art lovers and collectors dedicated to contemporary creation

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